Tina Belcher

Pop Culture Thanksgiving 2.0

Happy Thanksgiving, friends!  This is one of my favorite holidays because it’s solely about eating and football.  (Though I don’t really watch the NFL much anymore.  But there’s still the eating!  And the wine!  And the Europa League!  Errr, strike that last one.)  I suppose today is also about listing things that we’re thankful for this year.  So let’s do what we did last year — let’s make a list of all of the pop culture items for which we give thinks in 2014.  On with the show!

Taylor Swift: Obviously this is number one with a bullet.  I’m so, so, SO incredibly thankful for Taylor, for 1989, for “Style,” for that Instagram she posted of Lena Dunham dancing yesterday … basically, for everything she does and everything she will do in the future, I am thankful.  God bless you, T. Swizzle.  Thanks for everything.

Orange Is The New Black Season 2: Even better than the first season!  Which is kind of unbelievable, when you think about it.  Thanks, Netflix, for giving us this world of strong, tough, crazy women.  (Thanks also to Netflix for finally having Gilmore Girls!)  And thanks to the cast of OITNB for all being wonderful gems who are best friends and constantly post Instagrams of hanging out with one another.  You guys rock.

Amy Poehler: Thanks for writing Yes Please, Amy.  It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me take notes.  It’s hard to get better advice than the advice Amy gave in her book.  If you haven’t read it yet, run, don’t walk.  (Special thanks also to Lena Dunham, who also wrote a wonderful book called Not That Kind Of Girl that everyone should read.  Thanks as well for GIRLS and for being BFF with T. Swift, LD.  Love you forever.)

Faking It: My favorite new show of the year.  Thanks, MTV, for giving us Shane, Lauren, Lavrene Cox as a drama teacher, and, most importantly, Amy Raudenfeld, fictional love of my life.  I eagerly await the second half of season 2.  (Karmy forever!)

Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer: Thanks to Abbi and Ilana for providing most of my laughs in 2014.  Broad City made me LOL every single week.  I can’t wait to start laughing again in January.

Jenny Lewis: Thanks to the coolest girl in the world for releasing a rad new record (The Voyager, go get it if you haven’t already!), for putting my home girl K.Stew (and Princess Mia, Anne Hathaway) in the “Just One Of The Guys” video, and for singing “Acid Tongue” and “A Better Son/Daughter” both times I saw her this year (and “With Arms Outstretched” once!).

Tina Belcher: Tina thinks she’s no hero because she puts her bra on one boob at a time like everyone else, but she really is a hero.  Thanks to Tina for her dance moves, for being a smart, strong, sensual woman, for making it ok to lie on the floor and groan when you’re upset, for writing erotic friend fiction, and for her obsession with butts.

Mellie Grant: Mellie Grant is the only thing that keeps me going back to Scandal every week.  It certainly isn’t Olivia Pope and her asinine, inexplicable obsession with that demon monster, Fitz.  (Breathe, Christine.  It’s Thanksgiving.  Don’t go on a Scandal rant.)  Thanks to Mellie for being hilarious, for being Smelly Mellie, for being strong and tough, and for really hating her husband.  (Couldn’t help myself!)

Emma Watson: I always liked Emma Watson because she played my all-time favorite fictional character, Hermione Jean Granger.  Well, as it turns out, Emma really is Hermione in real life.  She’s used her celebrity to work with the UN on the He For She campaign to promote gender equality.  In other words, Emma Watson really is a wizard.  Thanks for being the best, EW.

I’m also thankful in advance for Allison Williams as Peter Pan in Peter Pan Live on NBC, for Emma Stone in Cabaret, who I shall see next week, for the Christmas episode of Pretty Little Liars (and for the next season of PLL starting in January!), and for Pitch Perfect 2, which I think about pretty much every day and will be the best day of the first half of 2014.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!  I hope your day is full of fun and food and laughs.  Cheers!

